Commodore 64 29y later + composite mod

Welcome to my first blog post. This blog will cover my repair and mod adventure of old computers. Mostly the C64. Computer architecture will be discussed later where I look at a simple cpu starting with the accumulator. We will build it with descrete components and make so slow that we can see and feel where information is moving..

This is my first videoe where I brought my trusty old Commodore 64 out of the cupboard, and inspect it for capacitor leaks and corrosion. The RF moduler has been ruined once in the 80s, but no need for that in 2015. The RF output is repurpose as a composite output with a simple modification.

The modulator gets a wire from Composite signal to the RF RCA connector. The RF signal was cut from the board.

 The pcb and traces in the middle of the pic shows some signs of corrotion, but I'm not sure. However there is exposed traces there.

Couldn't find corrotion here, but these caps might need replacing soon.

In the next video I'll show retrobrightening of the yucky yellow keys.


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