Programming an ATTiny85 for low power fridge alarm

This project is about a fridge alarm powered by solar cells, and energy stored in super capasitors. It is mostly about programming the ATtiny85 MCU in Assembly. I wanted to learn more about the AVR core. That is why I programmed using assembly language. The program is very short, and the features of C is not needed. The circuit has an AEM SUCA R2 as power supply, an ATTiny85, one IR diode, one photodiode, a 2n7000 NMOS driving a magnetic transducer. Unfortunately in this testing I don't have a microamps meter. I've been monitoring the voltage decent of two parallel capacitors of total 3000uF. Why AVRA AVRA is an assembler for Atmel AVR microcontrollers. It is simple and effective. It's open source. There are examples here at 043-045 that gets you going. Also lately I've been using Linux more and more, and installing AVRA was just a single command line. The program The flow diagram shown above is the whole program. The program checks the sensors every 8 seconds and...